Ruthless Hearts

A library page. A wealthy royal. The last print library in the world.
Enora's parents have her entire life planned out, including her future marriage and career.
When fate brings her to the Bellatonian Archives, the last print library in her world, she meets someone who makes her believe anything is possible.
Perfect for fans of magical libraries, starcrossed lovers, and dystopian twists. No HEA, this is a villain origin story!
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What are readers saying?
"So I definitely need more of this! The meet-cute between Enora & Castien is fantastic, the mystery of the library is intriguing, and I want to know how it all ends."
– Marie, Goodreads Reviewer
"Reminded me of Fahrenheit 451 meets Romeo and Juliet. Enora lives the high society life with an over barring mother and no choice in her future. She finds a haven in a archive building of physical books in a world where everything is digital. Also she finds Castien a bastard of another high society family who can tell the future and they fall in love. Will Enora and Castien find a place of their own where society does not dictate who they must be?"
– Renee, Goodreads Reviewer
"Surprisingly different, I wouldn't mind reading a series! .... A sweet tale of true love, greed, forced marriage and mystery. Why IS valuable information being burnt? Now that Castien has been taken away, Enora vows to find him. This combines tech with old school and I'd love more!"
– Beba, Goodreads Reviewer